Monday, June 4, 2012


So, I can only assume I'm ripping off someone else's idea, but I'ma make it my own!

I tend to be a consumer of pop cultures. Typically, with movies, music, and TV, I can get on the ball pretty quickly. But sometimes, and most often with video games and books, I tend to be a little behind the times.

I wanted to make another blog where I could discuss these popular culture entities. This is usually the only way I can sort through my own thoughts of what I just consumed and, I hope, will make me more inclined to make stronger opinions of them.

In the case of the active, I'll keep my spoilers few and well marked.

But for the retro (6 months or greater, I'm thinking) I make no such promises to keep spoilers free, but I'll still try to keep them marked.

I want this to be an environment of open discussion. As this will start with mostly friends and family, I'm not uber worried about people getting rude about opinions. But just in case, I want to make it known that it won't be tolerated.